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Tech Digest – Week 01, 2013

Corporate Jan 04, 2013

SharePoint 2013 OpenStack AWS business intelligence Enterprise Social Technology DynamoDB mobile analytics tools VMware Enterprise Software BI cloud computing Technology SaaS

Amazon almost all the time in Cloud computing in 2012

AWS dealt with big success and big chaos in the last year; natural abrupt made Amazon worried about the data center location; legacy IT giants bought their way into SaaS; regrouping of VMware; the OpenStack crowd got their clouds off the ground. Also Amazon web services outshined in the discussion about public cloud computing last year and spent mixing up more services from DynamoDB. Although generally SQL database is not used for slow moving data archiving, Amazon broke its own records last year for the number of objects stored in the storage device.

Continue reading at: http://goo.gl/WegWz

Oracle plans for self-service BI and mobile analytics tools for 2013

During a recently held technology awards function, Oracle was chosen as the best Business Intelligence vendor. When asked about its success, Nick Whitehead the senior director for business intelligence (BI) at Oracle UK replied that the award represents a milestone and also is a great endorsement of Oracle’s mission to make BI a well implemented technology to be used within an organization and therefore has the power to transform a business by enhancing decision making at all levels.

Continue reading at: http://goo.gl/PQKyK

Gartner revises Global IT spending predictions upwards; led by enterprise software and devices

The economic problems which might have captured IT spending over the past few years could be over. As per Gartner’s predictions, the overall spending would be high on a global level, higher than Gartner’s previous predictions. The figures are really hard to digest and the spending would be on devices and enterprises as well. Looking upon these set of figures, it seems that it would lead to a turnaround in software.

Continue reading at: http://goo.gl/JCgV4

Pushing beyond SharePoint 2013, getting to a human centric workplace

Enterprise social technology is great conceptually yet hasn’t really proven the human part of the equation. The problem is actually the IT legacy infrastructure bound up in systems for capturing and storing data. These systems have been excellent assets to businesses and to the people who use them. This problem is really hard to solve and simply adding some social features to these data systems would not lead people to engage with their work in a naturally collaborative, highly productive or even in a fun way for that matter.

Continue reading at: http://goo.gl/NGwvn

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e-Zest is a leading digital innovation partner for enterprises and technology companies that utilizes emerging technologies for creating engaging customers experiences. Being a customer-focused and technology-driven company, it always helps clients in crafting holistic business value for their software development efforts. It offers software development and consulting services for cloud computing, enterprise mobility, big data and analytics, user experience and digital commerce.