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We had a Green Day and this is not an end!

Mandar Thosar Mar 01, 2008

e-Zest e-Zest Prayas green day

29th February is a very special day at e-Zest. Not because it is a rare day found in only leap year calendar but because we have started something constructive today at our company. We initiated Green Day!

Nature is the most important and highly neglected entity I can think off. We do nothing to preserve it; we don't feel need to preserve it. I am not any different sparing few weeks since when we started thinking of this initiative.

Rakesh, a collegue and friend of mine, and me were discussing about the manufacturing advancements happening at India and other countries. The recent vehicle that created a wave worldwide, Nano - Rupees one lac car, was center point of the discussion that day.

We thought now the people who could not think of a four wheeler even in their dreams can actually buy it and ride it. For variety of reasons people will buy it. An individual who was commuting on a motor bike soon can be found moving swiftly with his hands on a steering wheel. The chances are high that he will be driving it alone with nobody accompanying him in a car. So then a bike that gives mileage of 50 km/ltr would get replaced by a car that gives mileage of around 18 km/ltr. As a result many people would be wasting 32 km/ltr for no real benefit. Red alarm!

Rakesh thought of running a campaign for awareness and I could not resist supporting the cause. We had found an aim to work for.

As I thought Devendra who has a heart for noble cause readily gave permission for promo activities within company. He promised all kind of support required including his personal enthusiasm in planning meetings.

We had got Vishant, Vijay, Debanjan, Arya, Shruti and Maithili joining the promo theme. We all met regularly to shape up the initiative.

Since it is a start of summer we decided with lower frequency i.e. every fortnight for our event. Everybody was called to come to company in any of the following mode

  1. On foot
  2. On bicycle (hey, I bought a new one yesterday for Green Day initiative)
  3. By public transport
  4. By shared transport

We also designed a promotional email. Have a look at it below.

We wanted to keep our message simple that was to keep our nature green so we came up with 'Keep it simple | Keep it green'. We did all sort of activities for internal branding of the initiative.

Today we found that almost everybody at e-Zest contributed towards 'Green Day'. Few even chose to walk for long 8 kms. I could see that every member of e-Zest's team is really young and has a 'zest' for social thing.

In the evening we had an eye opener slide presentation screened from Rajendra's e-mail collection. Debanjan put our idea before team members and everybody has promised to observe Green Day every fortnight.

This initiative is in no way limited up to e-Zest. We would be happy if others pick up the thread and run similar initiatives at their own companies. World really needs to be green and if we do not do this now then tomorrow never comes. To keep it simple keep it green; just do it!


Talk to the Author

e-Zest is a leading digital innovation partner for enterprises and technology companies that utilizes emerging technologies for creating engaging customers experiences. Being a customer-focused and technology-driven company, it always helps clients in crafting holistic business value for their software development efforts. It offers software development and consulting services for cloud computing, enterprise mobility, big data and analytics, user experience and digital commerce.