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CMMI V2.0 Categories Explained

Rajendra Babtiwale Jan 11, 2021

Business Continuity ROI Business Processes CMMI V2.0

In my previous blog, we explored four capability categories on which CMMI V 2.0 is built. There is very logical thinking for having these categories the way they are organized. To understand this logic, we must understand the meaning of ‘category’ names and which ‘practice areas’ fall under them. In my opinion, once this logic is clear, it will be very easy to decipher and remember the requirements of CMMI.

The word Capability is used more often in the CMMI model. Let us put this word in the right context. In my opinion, Capability means:

  • Inherent ability
  • Inherent ability to perform
  • Inherent ability to perform task undertaken
  • Inherent ability to perform task undertaken effectively and efficiently

Considering this context let us put down these capability categories and areas in a perspective.

Let us discuss the first category “Doing”.

If I ask a question, ‘What organizations do to survive?’. The answer to this question is pretty simple. Organizations design and deliver products or services to customers, which in turn pay organizations for their consumption of those products and services. As a natural consequence of this statement, the first “Capability Area” that falls under the category of “Doing” is ‘Engineering and developing products’.

If I am in the services domain then the “Capability Area” is ‘Delivering and Managing Services”.

If I am organization managing suppliers or vendors or working with suppliers to deliver my products or services to my customer the third “Capability Area” is ‘Selecting and Managing Suppliers’.

As we are performing all these activities mentioned above we also ensure that the quality of our products/services or that supplier supplied products/services that are delivered to the customer meet their requirements. In short, we ‘Ensure Quality’ of the products or services that are delivered to the customer. Naturally, this becomes the fourth “Capability Area” in the ‘Doing’ category.

This is the most logical sequence I could establish. Let me put it in a more simplistic way for all of us to remember:

CMMI V 2. 0 Categories

It is expected that if we are doing a good job in these four Capability Areas, we are capable in the ‘Doing category’. We are good at execution and we are generally delivering our products or services to meet customer’s requirements.

What I plan to do in my next blog is breaking down these capability areas into Practice Areas and build a logical relationship between Capability Category, Capability Area and Practice Areas. Once we finish with one Category we will move on to the next one. Till then stay tuned.

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e-Zest is a leading digital innovation partner for enterprises and technology companies that utilizes emerging technologies for creating engaging customers experiences. Being a customer-focused and technology-driven company, it always helps clients in crafting holistic business value for their software development efforts. It offers software development and consulting services for cloud computing, enterprise mobility, big data and analytics, user experience and digital commerce.