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Tech Digest – Week 19, 2013

Corporate May 10, 2013

Business Intelligence apps business intelligence Office 365 Sharepoint Online SkyDrive WAN technologies virtualization mobile application development analytical tool cloud computing mobile apps Technology

How Cloud Computing has empowered end users?

Usually many organizations focus around technologies revolving around corporate skills. But with the emergence of cloud computing, WAN technologies and virtualization, a new trend has begun. Because of cloud computing and IT consumerization, there is now a distinct focus on the end user. Targeted data center technology is driving better performance and improved productivity. Not only has IT consumerization changed the IT playing field, more companies are conducting workforce analysis to see how they can make their employees happier and more productive.

Continue reading at: http://goo.gl/LFWOc

Why the world needs Business Intelligence apps?

The ways to make BI easy to use and more significant has been discussed in the previous years. Every year sees a new analytical technology, a new analytical tool, a new process that promises more analytical power to the business analysts, but none of them have been able to move the needle toward widespread adoption, or "consumerization" of BI.

Continue reading at: http://goo.gl/QtobE

Mobile apps to improve business growth

As it is said, to invest in mobile application development should not have been a waste of money but it would serve as a platform that would improve growth in business. The alertness on mobile application needs to be extended to business owners for them to know the usefulness of the application in the development of their business. The place is surrounded with technical ideas, which needs to be encouraged, adding their knowledge in the mobile apps.

Continue reading at: http://goo.gl/8YZyQ

5 Things you should know before you migrate to SharePoint Online

To move towards the Microsoft’s hosted version of SharePoint there are few points that has to be kept in mind. There is difference between Office 365 and SharePoint Online. There is no remote blob storage. The permission management is also improved. SkyDrive which is Microsoft’s version of Dropbox is also integrated.

Continue reading at: http://goo.gl/l0NMu

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