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What e-Zest has that Indian IT industry in general lack?

Mandar Thosar Mar 31, 2008

outsourcing market offshore software development Technology

When I was reading quickly through RSS feeds on offshore software development I came across a list. This list mentioned several points when company thinks of or outsources their software development activity. Almost all the points got covered there.

Pondering over that for a while a question stroke me 'Why companies outsourcing heavily to India than other countries in the world?'. Is that simply because India has good ratio of English speaking population per thousand graduates? Or is it because they are technically competent? Both reasons are mostly true. With this fact getting published in every third article on offshore software development other countries got bombarded with a thought that they need to score well on English and Technical competence. And they have started doing well and have started fighting with India for their share in outsourcing pie.

Coming back again to list leaving this thought I realised that the list was about only when company thinks or outsources. That list has nothing mentioned to whom to company should outsource. The another next very important thing that company should take into account while selecting their outsourcing vendor is domain knowledge. This is the field where India need to improve. A quote from Mr. MrinalaSingh flashed my memory. He says, "In fact a recent observation mentioned that this is a concern not only for small corporations but also for vary large system integrators, where an area on which India based services firm lack is in lack of domain knowledge."

I think our clients are fortunate to outsource their activities to e-Zest because here we put a lot of efforts in domain understanding rather than just converting their requirements in 010101 binary codes through some high level language.

Domain knowledge is something that e-Zest has and India lacks. But Indian IT industry is doing fair in acquiring it. After all, as an international industry it has to stand the competition. All the best for Indian IT! 

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e-Zest is a leading digital innovation partner for enterprises and technology companies that utilizes emerging technologies for creating engaging customers experiences. Being a customer-focused and technology-driven company, it always helps clients in crafting holistic business value for their software development efforts. It offers software development and consulting services for cloud computing, enterprise mobility, big data and analytics, user experience and digital commerce.