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SOA is Business Strategy

Lalit Kale Mar 03, 2008

soa Enterprise 2.0 Technology

Beyond the hype and buzz created by SOA, here are my few thoughts about SOA.

 1. SOA is business strategy:

 SOA is often looked as the yet another project taken by IT dept or always treated as IT thing. Off course, its implementation is very much IT thing but it should be looked more as a strategy for synchronization and alignment of all business processes of an organization.

2. SOA is not rewriting your ALL applications:

SOA implementations in proper manner always support organization's legacy systems, on which the organization is relying on from past several years. As for implementation of legacy application organization has put many $$ and your team members had put Hercules efforts for maintenance, it has worth continuing what you are using.

3. SOA gains multifold value when it’s implemented as Enterprise architecture:

SOA should not be looked in "isolated application islands" for any organization. When application island happens in organization the worth of every application decreases as the synchronization becomes problem with various systems.In this scenario SOA should be looked as a vehicle and opportunity to waive a "common Enterprise fabric" to get your business processes [and their systems] aligned or realigned.

4. Web services are tip of SOA iceberg:Yes, Web services are essential component for implementing SOA but while building these web services, SOA derives more value from service reuse and scalability. We should look beyond the web services to get the view of SOA horizon.

Hope, this post will carry out more brainstorming sessions...


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e-Zest is a leading digital innovation partner for enterprises and technology companies that utilizes emerging technologies for creating engaging customers experiences. Being a customer-focused and technology-driven company, it always helps clients in crafting holistic business value for their software development efforts. It offers software development and consulting services for cloud computing, enterprise mobility, big data and analytics, user experience and digital commerce.