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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) - Making technology smarter

Shraddha Nistane Dec 23, 2016

AI Robotic Process Automation RPA

Robotic Process Automation is one of the emerging technologies in the digital era. It is an application of technology having proficiency in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. It performs repetitive task more promptly, rigorously, and tirelessly than humans. This helps to make humans reprieve to apply their skills like emotional quotient, interpretation, segmentation, judgment and interaction with their respective patron or clientele at appropriate place.  Not only this, if RPA tools are collaborated with cognitive technology, it is worth noting that RPA will become intellective.

Is AI and RPA same?

The main thing to consider here is both RPA and AI technologies are different from each other. AI converts the unstructured inputs into a structured output. AI output can then be processed by RPA. Most of companies use RPA instead of AI. RPA does a fantastic job with accuracy and compliance without the involvement of AI. And of course, some companies implement AI without RPA. It is just like companies set their priorities based on particular demands and requirements.

How is RPA different from Cognitive Intelligence?

Cognitive Intelligence is a subset of AI.Cognitive automation, extracts human knowledge, natural language, their skills like emotional quotient, interpretation, segmentation, judgment on internal and external parameters, probability with creating the significance of things and providing views. On the contrary RPA undertakes tasks which are simpler in nature. It majorly eliminates physical tasks that require little or no knowledge, understanding or insight—tasks that can be performed by arranging into systematic code and instructing the computer or software to work accordingly. Thus, a big diversity exists between the RPA and Cognitive Intelligence.

Moreover, Cognitive automation is relatively modern and less explored, whereas RPA is pretty developed in terms of technology.

Benefits of RPA:

  • RPA can perform monotonous and repetitive task with more accuracy and less time.
  • RPA is more adequate to manipulate repeatable task and illustrate high volume current applications.
  • RPA is able to deal with more critical problems. It is a fast and cheap way of applying to establish capable compliance risk management.
  • RPA is more competent, error free and agile which directly reciprocates to superior customer experience.
Strategic consideration for implementing RPA:

Strategy has to be the most important consideration while implementing RPA. One can achieve cost saving having utilized automation strategically. You can obtain a lot more if you use RPA, if seen as an expansive strategic tool. This provides you with the first point of concern.

Second thing needs to be considered is launch. It is not only about the possible involvement but also it has to be secured, settled, optimized, repetitive with massive volume and of course with keystone. This can be initiated with a composed experiment considering blockage and barriers.

The third important consideration is to change management—approaching the organization to change and accept automation.

That being said and done, the final course of action is ought to be building a mature enterprise capability for RPA. Users who have been in the business for a considerable amount of time have specialized centres of excellence over the course of time, usually within business operations, getting proficient with developed skills and capabilities within these centres. They have specially assigned people who decide whether the proposal is achievable and feasible from the business unit. Also, they have unit of people who assemble a robot, fix, develop and restraint it. They have efficiency to bring out uniform improvement and built association with IT, governance, and security.

To put it in simpler terms, RPA software robots mimics the same what you have trained them. There is no “agility” in the robots.

RPA, if used as a tool over a longer course of time, means that people will have more interesting work instead of doing the same repetitive work which makes jobs tedious and incompetent. Talking about losing whole jobs is an utter misconception. At initial level adoption of such technology may be upsetting, but organizations should be willing to welcome and ingest that level of change. Looking at the current scenario, the relationship between technology and people has to change in the future for the betterment. Knowing this, RPA comes out as a great tool to enable this change.

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e-Zest is a leading digital innovation partner for enterprises and technology companies that utilizes emerging technologies for creating engaging customers experiences. Being a customer-focused and technology-driven company, it always helps clients in crafting holistic business value for their software development efforts. It offers software development and consulting services for cloud computing, enterprise mobility, big data and analytics, user experience and digital commerce.