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Why should I write (blogs)?

Written by Madhavi Vaidya | Jun 16, 2014 5:55:15 PM

I have always wondered what it must be like for a technical person to be immersed in, almost neck-deep in developing, programming, testing, whatever the nature of the work it is, that demands so many hours of his/her life each day. Of course, unless there is passion, one would never be able to stick through the tides of highs and lows throughout any task. However, amid all this it is really an amazing gesture when these programmers oblige to write a blog! When they are ready to spare time for something that (may not be) their forte, but they still love to share their ‘know-hows’ through writing. I often wonder as to what must go through the first time writers/bloggers mind when he/she is asked to write a blog!!!

After trying to imagine and hypothetically swirling inside a techies mind, my imagination let me jot down a few points that may have cropped up in the mind of many a first timers. Though the list is a mix of some serious and some casual probable thoughts that might have crossed the writers mind; I presume that it’s more of human nature to swing either ways when it comes to doing something for the first time. However this blog is more than the just the list! Let’s see where it takes us.

So let us first begin with the list,

This is a list of probable thoughts and questions that may have passed a first time bloggers mind…

  1. Here’s a chance to share my knowledge with the world as an author
  2. I want to be heard (or read)
  3. Because my boss told me to write blogs that would soon bring me some rewards and a few brownie points too
  4. Why on earth should I write, otherwise would I not have been a writer instead?
  5. Because everyone’s doing it
  6. We have been told that Blogging increases the visibility of the company

There’s absolutely nothing wrong in thinking any of the above as it is only human nature to think and think haphazardly. However there is a science behind blogging and that there is a purpose behind it. If one evaluates why one needs to or wants to write a blog it becomes much easier to deliver and make an enjoyable exercise out of it.

Let us first understand that writing a blog is not any rocket science. It is no rocket science! In fact it is a great platform to share your knowledge with the world, your expertise and most importantly your thoughts and perspective. Topics and themes are subjective.

Identifying what exactly is your intent behind writing- as it could vary from the first pointer to the last given in the list, it is always a good thing anyways, because, ultimately you are trying something new, knowingly, unknowingly developing a new skill.

The exercise of writing gives us a chance to discover some miraculously surprising talents hidden within us, more things than we ever thought we knew. Also putting down our thoughts on paper about a particular subject, skill or technique helps us discover some finer nuances that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. It could also lead to discovering some hidden flaws, particular potential or a great idea!

In many ways blogging can be truly motivating and inspiring to someone; as you never know who is really reading your blog over and over again and finding it very interesting. It is a slice of the company’s initiative to put forth and take on sharing of ideas and technology practices in a bid to give the readers new, engaging content and connect globally.

And now after reading this if you still must question your intent, it is a good thing, because it only means that you need to probe deeper into your mind to find out that reason as to ‘why should I write a blog?’ The more you think the closer you come to writing your first blog.