We discussed EDI 835 message EDI in the previous blog, Now let’s look at EDI 820 transaction now.
The EDI 820 transaction deals with payments. It is used in conjunction with an electronic transfer of funds for payment of goods, insurance premiums or other transactions.
The HIPAA EDI 820 Payment Order / Remittance Advice (RA) have three basic variations/uses in Health Care:
The 820 EDI includes payer and payee identification, bank and account IDs, invoice number(s), adjustments from an invoice, billed and paid amounts. This information allows the suppliers and health plans to reconcile payments they receive against invoices they have issued.
This transaction set can be an order to a financial institution to make a payment to a payee. It can also be a remittance advice identifying the detail needed to perform cash application to the payee's accounts receivable system. The remittance advice can go directly from payer to payee, through a financial institution, or through a third party agent.
Key Segments which are a part of 820 message are as follows:
GS Functional Group Header
ST Transaction Set Header
BPR Beginning Segment for Payment Order/Remittance Advice
TRN Trace
REF Reference Identification
DTM Date/Time Reference
Nl Name
ENT Entity
RMR Remittance Advice Accounts Receivable Open Item
REF Reference Numbers
DTM Date/Time Reference
SE Transaction Set Trailer
GE Functional Group Trailer NM1: Insured’s Name
MIA: Provides claim-level data related to the adjudication of Medicare inpatient claims
MOA: To convey claim-level data related to the adjudication of Medicare claims not related to an inpatient setting
AMT: To indicate the total monetary amount
Segment ID Name
ST Transaction Set Header
GS Function Group Header
BPR Beginning Segment for Payment Order/Remittance Advice
NTE Note/Special Instruction
TRN Trace
CUR Currency
REF Reference Identification
DTM Date/Time Reference
N1 Name
N2 Additional Name Information
N3 Address Information
N4 Geographic Location
PER Administrative Communications Contact
RDM Remittance delivery Method
ENT Entity
NM1 Individual or Organization Name
REF Reference Identification
PER Administrative Communications Contact
DTM Date/Time Reference
IT1 Baseline Item Data (Invoice)
RMR Remittance Advice Accounts Receivable Open Item Reference
NTE Note/Special Instruction
SE Transaction Set Trailer
We are now acquainted with the core EDI messages and significance of each. We will take a look at a couple of more healthcare EDI messages in the next blog. So stay tuned!