e-Zest members share technology ideas to foster digital transformation.

Tech news doing the rounds- Week 28

Written by Corporate | Jul 13, 2018 4:21:44 PM

Your customers will determine the future of retail

Technology has reshaped the face of global retail. With billions of people spending more time online each day, the way we buy things has evolved. Physical shops are becoming obsolete.

Read more: https://hubs.ly/H0d00Xz0

Leverage the Cloud

While the cloud has been around for a while, it can never be stale news. Businesses are always finding new ways to utilise cloud for their business. With rapid changes in technology, the cloud has become imperative in helping businesses manage changes. Learn how you could leverage the cloud to the fullest.

Read more: https://hubs.ly/H0d00T_0

How can Mobility equal Productivity?

What does your future workplace look like? Does it look like an office or the interiors of your favourite cafe? However, the workplace of the future cannot just happen on its own. To drive things forward, it is imperative to keep an eye on lessons from the past, as well as present. This means determining which innovations to keep, which to refine and which ones simply don’t make the cut.

Read more: https://hubs.ly/H0d021C0

Big Data and Talent Acquisition

Big data analytics has huge scope for recruitment. Now, companies of any size can leverage data they might not have even realized was useful in the past to gain a competitive advantage in the labor market.

Read more: https://hubs.ly/H0d00Xc0

Making your documents accessible through Microsoft 365

One often overlooked barrier blocking communication in a diverse workforce revolves around communicating with people with special accessibility needs. While digital transformation makes it possible for individuals in one part of the world to converse, cooperate, collaborate, and conduct business with individuals in another part of the world, we often face challenges in accessibility.

Read more: https://hubs.ly/H0d04tb0