e-Zest members share technology ideas to foster digital transformation.

Digital Detox: What, Why and How?

Written by e-Zesticious | Jul 26, 2019 5:24:00 AM

In today’s constantly connected age of TVs, computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, there’s scarcely
anything that technology hasn’t simplified. From digital assistants that manage your appointments and
calls, to having almost everything delivered to our doorstep, we barely have to move anything but a finger
for anything any more.

However, a number of us are giving in to overuse of this convenience. We are forever glued to one screen
or the other, sometimes even two, and have come to the point of essentially considering Wi-Fi as a
necessity of life.

Being constantly plugged in like this has been taking a toll on our health, relationships and our ability to
focus. As we spoke about in the last issue, striking a balance is imperative for our well-being. Which is
why, we’ve got to take a break every now and then. We’ve got to detoxify. We’ve got to disconnect, to be
able to reconnect.

And a great way to do this, is a Digital Detox.

So what exactly is this Digital Detox?



a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or
computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world.
Basically, it refers to taking a break from electronic devices.

How can one do it?

Worry not. A digital detox does not necessarily imply going completely off of technology. It can be done
by a controlled use of technology, and there are many ways to do that:

Start Small:

If it sounds hard, start small and build up on it slowly. Aim to spend at least 15 minutes without
touching any device, or take several short breaks of 15 minutes. Soon it will be effortless, at the
same time giving you much needed breaks from being plugged in all the time.

Time it Out:

Designate certain technology-free times of the day. For example, put away your phones during
meals and focus on the food and company instead. Even keeping the phone on the table keeps us
constantly on the lookout for new notifications, as a result of which we aren’t fully present.
Instead, enjoy the experience that is food.

Stop using devices at least an hour before bed, as it gives our nervous system the time to relax and
wind down from the stimuli of the screens.

Go on a technology-free break:

Digital detox retreats work wonders both for reconnecting with nature, as well as with yourself
and your family or friends.

A hike up a lush green nature trail, a bike ride through the mountains, or a quiet weekend spent
living with the locals in a village, there’s no lack of options. Going unplugged for a few days not
only helps you engage better, but you’ll find that without the constant pressure to check up on
your mails or messages, you’re more peaceful and receptive to everything around you.

Rekindle that Hobby:

The number one excuse for scrolling through different social feeds is: boredom. But there are
other ways boredom can be tackled too.

What did you like to do most before the technology flood hit? It could be reading a book while
holed up on the sofa, experimenting with different recipes, or getting in a game of carrom on a
lazy Sunday. Revisit these hobbies time to time, or even learn a new one, and it will feel like a day
well and more productively spent.

Get Social:

This time, in the literal sense.

There’s a tweet that went viral as a joke once: “Wi-Fi was down for five minutes, so had to
talk to my family. They seem like nice people.”

Although funny, it’s a sharp reminder of the sad state of most gatherings now. When with people,
put away that phone. Speak. Connect. Interact. Be present.

Right from your relationships, to your knowledge, to your posture and confidence, everything will
undergo an upgrade.

Don’t forget your health:

We spend the major portion of a day staring at a screen. This strains our eyes, which can cause
dryness, blurred vision, and headaches.

To combat this, there’s a number of things you can do. Take regular breaks from the screen by
staring at an object at a distance. Blink frequently to avoid dryness.

Hold your phone slightly higher so you don’t have a bent neck for too long. Also, mix up the way
you type from time to time so your hands don’t get too accustomed to one position.

You can have your own way or approach to doing this, there is no steadfast process. In the long run,
balancing our use of technology will help us be at our healthy and productive best. And achieve that
balance for the better.