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Automation testing from Selenium IDE to WebDriver

Written by Uddhav Naik | Aug 4, 2016 11:24:06 AM

Scripts recorded in Selenium IDE can be easily transferred to and run from the WebDriver. You just have to export the test case from IDE in your preferred programming language & testing framework.

Note: The exported test case would run on Firefox by default.

Following are the steps that are to be followed to export your test case: 

  1. Select the Test Case that is to be exported
  2. Go to > File menu 
  3. Select Export Test Case As
  4. Choose your preferred option.
    For example: If java is the preferred language then save the test case as ‘.java’ format.

Further, add the selenium language bindings (http://docs.seleniumhq.org/download/) to your Eclipse project build path.

Following are the steps need to be followed:

  1. Right-click the project folder and select Build Path
  2. Build Path -> Configure Build Path
  3. Configure Build Path -> Add External JARS
  4. Select the location where you have stored the JARS on your local machine and import all the JARS

  1.  Once the above steps are completed copy the exported test case file into your Eclipse workspace. 
  2. Run the file from eclipse and it’s done.
    For example:
    If the test case was exported as TestNG then simply right-click the file > Run As > TestNG Test

This process allows you to test on multiple web browsers by pushing away the limitation of IDE which only runs on Firefox.
